The system integration has transfered from technology integration to management integration urban mass transit.
期刊摘选We talked about mass transit and the excellent rail lines that are being developed in Shanghai.
期刊摘选Where you can, use light rail and mass transit.
可以的情况下, 选择乘坐轻轨或大型客运工具(如地铁).
互联网Where you can, use light rail + mass transit.
可以的话, 搭乘轻轨和公共交通工具.
互联网When you can, walk or ride a bicycle light rail + mass transit.
可能的话, 多走路和骑自行车,多坐交通工具如轻轨和地铁.
互联网Railway applications - Braking - Mass transit brake systems - Part 2: methods of test.
铁路设施.制动.公共交通工具制动系统. 第2部分: 试验方法.
互联网City authorities will need mass - transIt'systems, power grids and telecoms equipment.
市政当局将需要公共交通系统 、 电网和电信设备.
互联网This article main discuss APTS of convention mass transIt'system.
互联网China International High - Speed Railway and Mass Transit Technology Exhibition will be held in July 2009.
互联网Mass Transit , monthly magazine with good topical coverage.
互联网Cho says the online vehicle is a cost effective solution for mass transit planners.
互联网Modern mass trANsit is AN outgrowth of industrialization ANd urbANization.
互联网Mass transit authorities in large cities are struggling with deficits.
互联网The traffic jam will be eased to a great degree if people can take mass transit.
如果人们可以乘坐公共交通. 那么交通拥堵的状况将会缓解.
互联网The mass transit corporation provides a wireless train staff management system.
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